5 Perks of Getting Your Wisdom Teeth Removed

5 perks of having your wisdom teeth removed

For some reason there is this negative stigma surrounding wisdom teeth removal when in reality there are more perks than you would think. Odds are you will have to get your wisdom teeth removed, so it’s in your best interest to accept the good and the bad of this procedure. So let’s focus on the good!

  1. No More Pain: Whether this was a preemptive procedure or a tad bit rushed due to pain, the whole reason for removal is to ensure your wisdom teeth won’t ever be an issue again. Even though there can be negative side effects to removal, it doesn’t mean that all will apply to you. By making sure you keep up with all of your doctor’s instructions after the procedure you can avoid any further discomfort and remain pain free moving forward.
  2. Time Off: The average amount of wisdom teeth recovery time is about three to four days depending on the severity of impaction. More than not people tend to take a full week off, maybe even more, to have enough time to fully heal before getting back into the swing of things. Take advantage of the mandatory downtime you have.
  3. Ice Cream: Not like you ever need an excuse to eat an unlimited amount of ice cream but having your wisdom teeth removed is basically a get out of jail free card. It’s in your best interest to choose a flavor without any huge chunks to avoid irritating the sensitive areas surrounding your extracted wisdom teeth.
  4. Unlimited Movies: There is no shame in binge watching your favorite TV shows or movie trilogies because technically it’s the doctors’ orders. Rest and relaxation are your top priority for the first couple of days after removal. Although you physically won’t be productive during this time it doesn’t mean you can’t productively cross off all of the shows you’ve been waiting to watch.
  5. Sympathy: A majority of the time you end up looking worse than you feel which can work in your favor. More than likely the majority of your friends and family will have already had the procedure and can relate to it. It won’t be long until your friends and family show up with thoughtful surprises, like wisdom teeth removal friendly snacks, movies, and a good book.

Dr. Boudreaux Can Gently Extract Wisdom Teeth

To schedule your wisdom tooth removal consultation make sure you give our office a call!

Call us: 337-560-0131